Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Approximation theory, functional analysis, real analysis. |
Prof. Associato - INF/01 |
Evolutionary algorithms, combinatorial optimization, uncertainty management in artificial intelligence. | |
Prof. Ordinario - Mat/05 |
Approximation theory, signal analysis, function spaces, Mellin transforms, fractional calculus. | |
Associato - MAT/03 |
Combinatorics, Finite Geometry, Error Correcting Codes, Quantum codes, Algebraic curves in positive characteristic. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Ordinary Differential Equations and Inclusions, Fixed Point Theorems, Variational Inequalities, Multivalued Analysis. | |
Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 - INF/01 |
Design and analysis of algorithms, optimization problems, combinatorial problems, wireless sensor networks, unmanned aerial vehicles, drones. | |
Prof. Ordinario - INF/01 |
Security and trust, Knowledge Representation, Argumentation, Constraints Solving, Game Theory and Social choice. | |
Ricercatore - MAT/05 |
Measure Theory; Approximation Theory. | |
Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 - MAT/05 |
Approximation Theory, Functional Analysis, Analytic Number Theory, Additive Problems, Special Functions, Reaction-Diffusion-Convection Equations. | |
Prof. Associato - SECS-S/06 |
Probability, Coherent Conditional Probability Assessments, Hybrid models, Fuzzy aggregation operatos applied to finance, Uncertainty Handling. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Ordinary differential equations/inclusions; fixed point theory. | |
Carpi Arturo
Prof. Ordinario - INF/01 |
Combinatorics on words, Formal languages and automata, Variable length codes. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/03 |
Poisson geometry. Geometrical aspects of quantization theories. Non commutative geometry. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Approximation Theory and its applications to Signal and Image Processing, Functional Analysis, Neural Networks. | |
Prof. Associato - SECS-S/06 |
Pricing and hedging of insurance and financial derivatives in incomplete markets under full and partial information; Modeling and analysis of BitCoin system; Expected utility maximization problems and optimal reinsurance strategies in incomplete markets under full and partial information; Backward stochastic differential equations; Credit risk modeling. | |
Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10 - MAT/07 |
Models of complex systems, complex networks, pattern formation, collective behaviors, nonlinear dynamics, mathematical biology. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/02 |
Regularity index, Hilbert functions, minimal free resolutions, fat points, Hadamard products. | |
Prof. Ordinario - MAT/05 |
Nonlinear Analysis, Partial Differential Equations. | |
Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 - INF/01 |
ArtificiaI Intelligence: web-based knowledge representation, semantic similarity measures, evolutionary algorithms for context and explanations, complex networks and link prediction, social robotics, social network analysis, affective computing and emotion recognition; e-learning, usability. | |
Ricercatore - INF/01 |
Algorithm design, automata theory, logic and games with applications to the algorithmic verification of systems. | |
Ricercatore - MAT/08 |
Image Reconstruction, Digital Document Analysis, Optical flow estimation. | |
Prof. Associato - ING-INF/05 |
Computational Science, Distributed Computing, Virtual Reality, Web programming. | |
Prof. Ordinario - MAT/03 |
Finite fields, Galois geometries, Algebraic curves in positive characteristic and their applications to coding theory and cryptography. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/08 |
Numerical solutions of linear and nonlinear matrix equations • Matrix functions: computational and theoretical aspects • Matrix geometry and optimization on matrix manifolds • Algorithms for complex networks, machine learning and image processing. | |
Ricercatore - MAT/03 |
Theory of relativity, geometric methods in physics, foundations of physics, history and epistemology of exact and non-exact sciences. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Approximation theory, signal analysis, integral transforms, fractional calculus. | |
Prof. Associato - INF/01 |
Finite Geometry, Coding Theory, Planning, Software agents. | |
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Cybersecurity, DLT, blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital asset. | |
Prof. Associato - INF/01 |
Artificial Intelligence, evolutionary computation, social robotics, social network analysis, affective computing and emotion recognition; e-learning. | |
Prof. Associato - INF/01 |
Distributed System, Blockchain e Security | |
Prof. Ordinario -INF/01 |
Design and analysis of algorithms, Distributed computing, Interconnection networks. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/03 |
Algebraic curves; Galois geometries; Coding Theory. | |
Prof. Ordinario - INF/01 |
Design and analysis of algorithms, communication networks, wireless networks, wireless sensor networks, optimization problems. | |
Ricercatore - INF/01 |
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Evolutionary Algorithm, Data Mining, Data Analysis. | |
Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 - MAT/03 |
Differential Geometry, (pseudo-)Riemannaina Einstein Metric, Lie Group, Lie algebra, (para-)Complex Structure. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Ordinary Differential Equations; Functional Differential Equations; Integro-differential Equations; Integral Equations; Multivalued Analysis |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Radon-Nikodym Theorems in finitely additive setting; Multivalued integration; Choquet integral with respect to vector valued measures; Integration in Riesz spaces; Inequalities in spaces whit mixed norms. | |
Prof. Associato - INF/01 |
Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence, Constraint Modelling, Concurrent Constraint Programming, Coordination Models and Languages, Security, Trust/Reputation/Recommendation Systems. | |
Ricercatore - INF/01 |
Simulations of complex systems, Applications on distributed and parallel systems, Multimedia and Internet computing, E-learning. | |
Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 - MAT/03 |
Algebraic curves in positive characteristic and their applications to coding theory and cryptography, Combinatorics, Finite Geometry, Error Correcting Codes, Quantum codes, Finite fields.
Ricercatore a tempo det. L.240/10 - MAT/06 |
Probabilistic cellular automata, disordered systems, metastability, numerical simulations. | |
Prof. Ordinario - MAT/05 |
Real Analysis, Approximation Theory, Digital Image Processing with applications in Medicine and Engineering. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Partial Differential Equations, Evolution Equations. | |
Prof. Associato - MAT/05 |
Approximation Theory, Non-Autonomous Dynamical Systems, Spectral Theory, Nonlinear Evolution Equations. |
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Complex networks, link prediction. | |
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Algorithms Design, Combinatorial Optimization, Algorithmic Fairness. | |
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Approximation theory, Signal and Image Processing, Real Analysis. | |
Assegnista INF/01 |
Computational Science, HPC, Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing. | |
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Approximation theory; Signal and Image Processing; Real Analysis. | |
Assegnista INF/01 |
Artificial Intelligence; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Argumentation Theory; Computational Argumentation. | |
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Artificial intelligence applied to image and signal processing. | |
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Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, HPC. |
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Approximation theory, Signal and Image Processing, Real Analysis. | |
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Machine Learning, Design Algorithms, unmanned aerial vehicles, drones. | |
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Approximation Theory, Signal and Image Processing, Real Analysis. | |
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Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. Dottorando - ciclo XXXVII Dottorato Nazionale in Learning Science and Digital Technologie |
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Cybersecurity, Self-Sovereign Identity, DLT, Blockchain. | |
Palazzetti Lorenzo Dottorando - ciclo XXXVI |
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Approximation Theory, Signal and Image Processing, Real Analysis. | |
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Machine Learning, Financial Time Series, Blockchain, Algorithmic Trading, Software Engeneering |
Palazzetti Lorenzo Borsista |
Borsa di ricerca sul progetto: "Integrazione dei dati IoT e droni:dai dati grezzi al registro delle attività. Principi di certificazione". Resp. scientifico: M.C. Pinotti |