CILC08cilc08 23 esimo convegno italiano di logica computazionale 23-esimo Convegno Italiano di Logica Computazionale
10-12 Luglio 2008

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Perugia
Via Vanvitelli 1, 06123 Perugia

Evento organizzato dal GULP (Gruppo ricercatori Utenti Logic Programming)
con il Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,
l'Università degli Studi di Perugia e
il Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico (GNCS-INdAM)

Il sito del convegno era in rete all'indirizzo
nel maggio 2022 è stato rimosso, riportiamo di seguito un sunto delle informazioni presenti.


Alessandro Artale (Libera Università di Bolzano)
Antonio Brogi (Università di Pisa)
Federico Chesani (Università di Bologna)
Stefania Costantini (Università di L'Aquila)
Alessandro Dal Palù (Università di Parma)
Giorgio Delzanno (Università di Genova)
Alessandra Di Pierro (Università di Verona)
Andrea Formisano (Università di Perugia) (Chair)
Giangiacomo Gerla (Università di Salerno)
Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo (Università di Catania)
Eugenio Omodeo (Università di Trieste)
Mario Ornaghi (Università di Milano)
Carla Piazza (Università di Udine)
Gian Luca Pozzato (Università di Torino)
Maurizio Proietti (IASI-CNR, Roma)
Alessandro Provetti (Università di Messina)
Francesco Ricca (Università della Calabria)
Fabrizio Riguzzi (Università di Ferrara)
Sabina Rossi (Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia)
Giovanni Semeraro (Università di Bari)
Kristen Brent Venable (Università di Padova)

Giovedì 10 luglio

Relazione invitata.
9:00--10:00 Enrico Pontelli
Parallel Execution of Logic Programs: Back to the Future

Sessione 1.
Chairman: Paolo Torroni
10:00--10:30 Alessandro Dal Palù, Agostino Dovier, Enrico Pontelli e Gianfranco Rossi
GASP: Answer Set Programming with Lazy Grounding
10:30--11:00 Mauro Ferrari, Camillo Fiorentini e Guido Fiorino
A Refined Calculus for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic

Sessione 2.
Chairman: Alberto Pettorossi
11:30--12:00 Eugenio Omodeo e Alberto Policriti
The Decidability of the Bernays-Schoenfinkel-Ramsey Class for Set Theory
12:00--12:30 Domenico Cantone, Andrea Formisano, Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo e Eugenio Omodeo
A Graphical Representation of Relational Formulae with Complementation
12:30--13:00 Alessandro Ferrante, Margherita Napoli e Mimmo Parente
Graded CTL Model Checking

Sessione 3.
Chairman: Fabrizio Riguzzi
15:00--15:30 Nicola Di Mauro, Teresa Basile, Grazia Bombini, Stefano Ferilli e Floriana Esposito
Eliciting Multi-Dimensional Relational Patterns
15:30--16:00 Stefania Costantini e Alessio Paolucci
Semantically Augmented DCG Analysis for Next-generation Search Engines
16:00--16:30 Enrico Oliva, Luca Gardelli, Mirko Viroli e Andrea Omicini
Experimenting with Stochastic Prolog as a Simulation Language

Venerdì 11 luglio

Relazione invitata.
9:00--10:00 Wolfgang Faber
Aggregates in Answer Set Programming

Sessione 5.
Chairman: Giovambattista Ianni
10:00--10:30 Marco Montali, Paola Mello, Federico Chesani, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Sergio Storari e Maurizio Sebastianis
Compliance Checking of Execution Traces to Business Rules: an Approach Based on Logic Programming
10:30--11:00 Stefano Bistarelli e Francesco Santini
A Nonmonotonic Soft Concurrent Constraint Language for SLA Negotiation

Sessione 6.
Chairman: Mario Ornaghi
11:30--12:00 Agostino Dovier, Raffaele Cipriano e Jacopo Mauro
Compiling and Executing Declarative Modeling Languages in Gecode
12:00--12:30 Federico Bergenti, Alessandro Dal Palù e Gianfranco Rossi
Generalizing Finite Domain Constraint Solving
12:30--13:00 Valerio Senni, Alberto Pettorossi e Maurizio Proietti
Folding Transformation Rules for Constraint Logic Programs

Sessione 7.
Chairman: Alessandro Provetti
15:00--15:30 Gisella Bennardo, Giovanni Grasso, Salvatore Maria Ielpa, Nicola Leone e Francesco Ricca
Lifting Databases to Ontologies
15:30--16:00 Mario Alviano, Wolfgang Faber e Nicola Leone
Compiling Minimum and Maximum Aggregates into Standard ASP
16:00--16:30 Annamaria Bria, Wolfgang Faber e Nicola Leone
Normal Form Nested Programs

Sessione 8.
Chairman: Gianfranco Rossi
17:00--17:15 Francesco Calimeri, Simona Perri e Francesco Ricca
Increasing Parallelism while Instantiating ASP Programs
17:15--17:30 Giovanni Pirrotta e Alessandro Provetti
A Java Wrapper for Answer Set Programming Inferential Engines
17:30--17:45 Mario Ornaghi, Camillo Fiorentini e Alberto Momigliano
Towards Introducing Types in DLV*

18:00--... Assemblea Soci GULP
21:00--... Cena Sociale

Sabato 12 luglio

9:00--10:00 Carla Piazza
Systems Biology: Models and Logics


Sessione 9.
Chairman: Alessandro Dal Palù
10:00--10:30 Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti e Gian Luca Pozzato
ALC+T: Reasoning About Typicality in Description Logics
10:30--11:00 Loris Bozzato, Mauro Ferrari e Paola Villa
Actions Over a Constructive Semantics for Description Logics

Sessione 10.
Chairman: Marco Gavanelli
11:30--12:00 Domenico Cantone, Pietro Ursino e Rosario Terranova
Experimental comparison of two tableau-based decision procedures for MLSS
12:00--12:30 Stefano Bistarelli, Fabio Fioravanti, Pamela Peretti e Irina Trubitsyna
Modeling and Selecting Countermeasures using CP-nets and Answer Set Programming
12:30--13:00 Stefania Costantini e Andrea Formisano
Modeling Preferences on Resource Consumption and Production in ASP

Wolfgang Faber, Università della Calabria, Italia.

Aggregates in Answer Set Programming
The addition of aggregates has been one of the most relevant enhancements of the language of answer set programming (ASP), strengthening the modelling power of ASP in terms of natural and concise problem representations. While in traditional database systems these constructs have a long tradition and are nowadays taken for granted, they are a comparatively recent addition to ASP. One of the reasons is that because of the possibility of recursive definitions, the intended semantics is not always straightforward to understand, let alone to define. Previous semantic definitions typically agree in the case of nonrecursive aggregates, but subtly vary for aggregates involved in recursion. In this talk, we provide an overview of this field and discuss various semantic and computational properties

Carla Piazza, Università di Udine, Italia.

Systems Biology: Models and Logics (PDF)
The field of system biology focuses on creating a finely detailed picture of biological mechanisms. Recently, the need has arisen for more and more sophisticated and mathematically well founded computational tools capable of analyzing the models that are and will be at the core of system biology. Such computational models should be implemented in software packages faithfully while exploiting the potential trade-offs among usability, accuracy, and scalability dealing with large amounts of data. The aim of this talk is that of introducing some emerging problems and proposed solutions in this context.

Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University, USA.

Parallel Execution of Logic Programs: Back to the Future
Since its inception, logic programming has offered the promise of transparent and automated exploitation of parallelism. This promise is now matched by the reality of ubiquitous availability of parallel hardware, ranging from large scale Beowulf clusters to extremly fine-grained multi-threaded engines (as found in modern graphic cards). In this presentation, we will review the main results produced by 20+ years of research in the field of parallel execution of logic programs. We will highlight the state of the art, the lessons learned, and the mistakes made. We will conclude with the identification of focus areas of research and current new directions being explored.

Dotazione WIFI realizzata con il sostegno della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia