On this page it is possible to find a collection of past research activities (conferences, workshops, seminars, events ...) that involved members of the department in the organization.

The list is sorted by the year of first publication, in its original URL, of the website, that was removed in view of the reorganization of the Departmental Hosting Service defined in early 2022.

PDE08pde08 - international_workshop_on_partial_differential_equations  International Workshop on Partial Differential Equations
for the 80th birthday of James Serrin

June 25-26  2008

Perugia, Hotel Giò


This conference celebrated the 80th birthday of James Serrin, bringing together Italian and foreign mathematicians in areas of pure and applied mathematics where James Serrin has been active.

The conference was focus especially on recent trends in nonlinear partial differential equations, of both stationary and evolution type, and their applications to natural sciences.

Program brochure

Abstracts booklet


The conference website was online at: https://www.dmi.unipg.it/pde08