On this page it is possible to find a collection of past research activities (conferences, workshops, seminars, events ...) that involved members of the department in the organization.

The list is sorted by the year of first publication, in its original URL, of the website, that was removed in view of the reorganization of the Departmental Hosting Service defined in early 2022.

Meeting on Noncommutative Geometry and Higher Structuresncg2016 homepage
The aim of the workshop is to bring together people working on noncommutative geometry, deformation theory and related fields, to promote new collaborations and interaction between senior scientists and students/junior researchers, and give to young mathematicians some perspectives on who is doing what in this field.

The conference will take place in the mathematics department of the University of Perugia, located in Via Luigi Vanvitelli 1, Perugia.

25-29 July 2016





The meeting website was online at:  http://www.dmi.unipg.it/ncg2016