5th International Workshop on
Web-based Collective Evolutionary Systems: models, measures, applications


July 4-7, 2016, in Beijing, China

Held in conjunction with ICCSA 2016

Your paper must be submitted by using the ICCSA 2016 upload engine available at:

Note that the engine has been designed for all ICCSA workshops, including the general track. So, you are kindly requested to indicate to which workshop you wish to submit your paper, selecting WCES in the dropdown list. Please, be careful when filling the fields requiring the requested information, including your e-mail account.

All submissions must be written in English. Acceptable formats are pdf and postscript (use extension .pdf or .ps, respectively). Please, check that you have included all the fonts required when generating the .pdf files, so that your paper can be read properly on any platform. We can accept papers written in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, OpenOffice Writer or LaTeX, but note that for the first submission the PDF is enough. However, keep in mind that your paper should be written according to the rules of LNCS and should be composed of 10-16 pages, including all the tables, images and bibiography.

In addition to submitting your paper through the submission engine, you can send (by e-mail to Alfredo Milani milani@unipg.it) a list of two or three referees that you suggest for your paper, explaining why you are proposing them. However, there is not guarantee that your paper will be reviewed by some of the proposed reviewers: this list is intended to ensure that the review process is performed at due time. Please don't propose a reviewer before checking her/his actual availability

After receiving your submission, the paper will be reviewed taking into account:

and acceptance/rejection will be based on this review. If a paper is rejected you will be contacted and given the referee reports. It may well be that your paper is more suited to be submitted to another workshop or conference.

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