University of Perugia - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


The goal of Plot-it! project is to make mathematical software available on the internet and accessible by a simple browser in a platform independent way. Mathematical entities can be computed and visualized using java applet technology.

The first prothotypes of Plot-it, Plot-it!3D and Plot-it!2D  have been developed by Silvia Suriani in the framework of her Laurea Thesis in Mathematics Un sistema di elaborazione grafico-matematica interattiva per la geometria differenziale di curve e superfici  under the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Tancredi and Alfredo Milani.

Plot-it!3D and Plot-it!2D are online mathematical software packages for 2D/3D plotting of mathematical functions and curves.
Despite of the general aim of  these prothotype packages attention has been focused to particular aspects of the differential geometry.
Try the online versions of  Plot-it!2D and Plot-it!3D.

Il presente software plot-it!, plot-it!3d, plot-it!2d, i sorgenti, le relative classi java, e pagine html  sono di esclusiva proprietà degli autori, qualsiasi utilizzo per fini commerciali è escluso.