
Person Email Telephone Role Office
Angeloni Laura
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+39 075 585 5036
+39 075 585 3822
Professore associato
Arteritano Serena
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Baioletti Marco
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+39 075 585 5044
Professore associato
Barberini Elisa
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Bardaro Carlo
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+39 075 585 5034
+39 075 585 3823
Professore ordinario
Bartoli Daniele
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Professore associato
Benedetti Irene
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Professore associato
Betti Sorbelli Francesco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Bistarelli Stefano
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+39 075 585 5045
Professore ordinario
Boccuto Antonio
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Burini Diletta
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Cantarini Marco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Capotorti Andrea
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+39 075 585 5019
Professore associato
Cardinali Tiziana
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+39 075 585 5042
Professore associato
Carpi Arturo
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+39 075 585 5014
Professore ordinario
Ciccoli Nicola
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+39 075 585 5016
+39 075 585 3825
Professore associato
Costarelli Danilo
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Professore associato
Epicoco Antonio
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Fatabbi Giuliana
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Professore associato
Filippucci Roberta
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+39 075 585 5033
Professore ordinario
Franzoni Valentina
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Gentilini Raffaella
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Gerace Ivan
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+39 075 585 5050
Gervasi Osvaldo
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+39 075 585 5048
Professore associato
Giulietti Massimo
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+39 075 585 5009
Professore ordinario
Iannazzo Bruno
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Professore associato
Mamone Capria Marco
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+39 075 585 5006
Mantellini Ilaria
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+39 075 585 5045
+39 075 585 3823
Professore associato
Marcugini Stefano
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+39 075 585 5049
Professore associato
Massi Alessandro
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Mercanti Ivan
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Milani Alfredo
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+39 075 585 5049
Professore associato
Morettini Paola
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+39 075 585 5030
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Mostarda Leonardo
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Professore associato
Navarra Alfredo
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Professore ordinario
Palazzetti Paola
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+39 075 585 5031
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Pambianco Fernanda
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Professore associato
Pinotti Maria Cristina
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+39 075 585 5055
Professore ordinario
Poggioni Valentina
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+39 075 585 5045
Polchi Simone
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Rosati Giorgio
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Rossi Fabio
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+39 075 585 5005
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Rossi Federico Alberto
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Rubbioni Paola
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Professore associato
Sambucini Anna Rita
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+39 075 585 5010
+39 075 585 3823
Professore associato
Santini Francesco
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Professore associato
Straccali Walter
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Tasso Sergio
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+39 075 585 5048
Teodori Angelo
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+39 075 585 5001
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Timpanella Marco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Topini Simone
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+39 075 585 5063
+39 075 585 5886
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Troiani Alessio
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Trotta Lidia
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+39 075 585 5017
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Vinti Gianluca
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+39 075 585 5010
+39 075 585 3822
Professore ordinario
Vitillaro Enzo
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Professore associato
Zampogni Luca
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Professore associato
Zampolini Riccardo
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+39 075 585 5005
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo